1-33 Tissue Salts Counseling - Face Tongue Teeth Nail Analysis
1-33 Complete Tissue Salts Email Counseling Service
Service Overview: Our 1-33 Complete Tissue Salts Counseling service combines in-depth analysis and personalized recommendations to support your wellness journey using the Schuessler system of cell salts. Our Homeopath utilizes face, tongue, and nail analysis to identify potential mineral deficiencies and guide you through a tailored healing plan.
Step-by-Step Process:
Step 1: Intake Forms
After making your payment, we will send you an email with forms to complete. These include:
A detailed questionnaire
Photo submission instructions (facial, tongue, and nail photos)
A service agreement that must be signed
Step 2: Face, Tongue & Nail Analysis
Our team will communicate with you via email throughout the process, which typically takes 3-5 business days.
Our Homeopath will analyze your submitted photos to assess potential nutritional and mineral deficiencies.
Step 3: Personalized Tissue Salts Plan
You will receive a comprehensive report highlighting any identified mineral deficiencies.
A customized tissue salts (cell salts) plan will be provided, tailored to your specific needs.
Additional recommendations may include:
Bach Flowers, Gemmotherapy, Oligotherapy, and/or herbal supplements for further support (available for separate purchase via Amazon, Pure Formulas, Fullscript, or our online store).
Acute situation recommendations for face reflexology or Ayurveda marma points protocols.
Step 4: Follow-Up Assessment
Depending on your wellness goals, a follow-up may be suggested after completing your initial course of tissue salts.
This will allow us to reassess your progress and adjust your plan as needed, ensuring ongoing support for your evolving needs.
Benefits of Tissue Salts (Schuessler System)
Tissue salts, also known as cell salts, are micro-doses of essential minerals designed to support the body's natural healing process. Based on Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler’s system, they:
- Replenish depleted minerals
Support cellular function
Aid in the treatment of various conditions, such as skin issues, fatigue, digestive disorders, etc
Promote overall balance and well-being
Whether you're addressing chronic health concerns or looking to optimize your wellness, the 1-33 Complete Tissue Salts Counseling offers a holistic approach to nourish your body at a cellular level.
Facial analysis tissue salts counseling does not diagnose diseases or predict their onset. It solely identifies imbalances or deficiencies of specific tissue salts in the body. For medical concerns or diagnoses, always consult a qualified healthcare professional.